Here’s Why You Should Stage Your Home When Selling

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Selling your home is draining. The last thing you want to do is add more work on top of getting the keys to change hands.

But if you want to squeeze every dollar you can out of your home, you have to take some extra steps — particularly staging.

Below, we’ll explain why.

What is Home Staging?

Home staging is the process of preparing a home for sale by arranging the interior to enhance the aesthetic.

Staging makes the home appealing to the buyer and helps them picture themselves already living in the home.

Staging generally involves adding some extra items to the home, such as furniture, paintings, rugs, and plants. That said, it’s nowhere near as extensive as remodeling a home.

Why Stage Your Home?

Staging your home can make the home selling process a lot more worthwhile.

For one, staged homes sell for more because they look much more attractive to potential buyers. In fact, the National Association of Realtors found that you could earn $4 for every $1 spent on staging services.

With that kind of return, staging your home is a no-brainer.

But the benefits don’t stop there.

Staged homes also sell much faster for the same reason — 73% faster on average, in fact. Imagine being able to close on your home sale close to twice as fast.

Of course, you likely also know that the longer your home is listed for sale, the less valuable it tends to become. By staging your home, you’re getting more money in your hand, and you’re getting it faster.

Tips for Staging Your Home

Clear Out Clutter

Space is an important part of staging your home, and clutter robs you of it. Make sure to remove unnecessary items — especially furniture — to make your interior look as large as possible.

Group Furniture Away From Walls

Putting your furniture together creates a cozy, casual look — and by pulling your furniture away from the walls, your interior looks more spacious.

Nail Your Lighting

Proper lighting creates a friendlier atmosphere in any room. In general, try to nail these three types of lighting:

  • Ambient (overhead or general lighting)
  • Task (desk, reading, or under-cabinet lighting)
  • Accent (wall fixture or table lighting)

Paint Rooms to Match Adjacent Rooms

Here’s a clever trick to make your interior look larger: paint smaller rooms the same color as adjacent rooms if possible. Doing so will create a more seamless look — and make the space seem bigger.

Enhance Unused Rooms

You might have a room where you store clutter, but you don’t do much else in there. Rather than leave it like that, consider transforming it into a room that appears to have a purpose.

Want to make more money and sell your Philadelphia home faster? You need exciting home staging that stands out. That’s what we provide you at RR Staging and Interior Design.

Let’s make your home look irresistible to buyers — contact us today!

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